SSI provides a highly economical way to carry out a variety of sampling operations. Each machine has the ability to core through concrete or other surface materials and can advance tooling strings at the rate of 5 to 10 feet per minute. Soil probing equipment is typically used for site investigations to depths of 0 to 100 feet. However greater depths may be obtained depending on soil conditions.
SSI direct push sampling systems can be used for a variety of applications including, but not limited to the following:
Continuous Soil Sampling
Discrete Soil Sampling
Groundwater Sampling
Soil Gas Sampling
Monitor Well Installation
Monitor Well Abandonment
Monitor Well Repair
ORC Injections™
Air Sparging
"Simulphasic" Sampling
SSI has engineered their own hydraulically-powered, percussion probing machine designed specifically to exceed the capabilities of commercially produced models. These machines are capable of withstanding adverse subsurface conditions and have many design modifications to increase their versatility.
SSI maintains a fleet of direct push vehicles of various sizes and configurations to meet all of your project needs. We also have the ability to install 1" and 2" monitor wells -OR- The capability to conduct sampling operations within enclosed spaces with a probing machine that can access confined areas for maneuvering through doorways and inside buildings.
SSI provides support to consulting firms, regulatory agencies, state institutions, federal entities, and property owners. Our focus is to remain on the leading edge of technology to provide you with the greatest possible choices in sampling techniques.
SSI is committed to delivering fast, economical and accurate sample recovery for all of your subsurface investigation requirements. We have the ability to machine and manufacture specific tools or implants for all unique and special projects or sampling situations.